
Chakra Meditation 7

Second Chakra Phase 2 – Balancing Emotions (2)

Visualize your second chakra in the abdominal area as a “delicate orange-pink flower”. If you do not know how to visualize, say with intention “My second chakra is now like a delicate orange-pink flower.” Say the following affirmation: “The energy in the second chakra, like all raging emotions, is being balanced, now. This energy centre is a continuous and inexhaustible source of joy and happiness that I need at the moment. I do not try to control my emotions, but I express them in the physical, in a loving and tender way. Being in balance with my emotions is my natural state. I achieve this with infinite ease, every time I think of the “delicate orange-pink flower.”


Affirmation 2

A real moment

Every moment of my life is important! There is no moment more precious than the present!

Do you notice how your thoughts relate imperceptibly to the past. We are constantly thinking and analyzing what has happened before. Sometimes we have dialogues in our minds because someone has offended us in the past. If we don’t think about it, we worry about the future. What will happen, will we be fine and a bunch of other things. The Universe wants to remind you delicately that the only truly real moment is the present. Thoughts of torment from the past or worries about the future prevent us from fully enjoying the present. And life is so short that we can’t afford to waste our most precious moments. Repeat the affirmation when during the day your thoughts go back to the past or fly into future dubious projections.


Affirmation 1


I always attract everything that is for my greatest good and wellbeing!

We often face difficult situations in life. Things that happen but are beyond our means to change them. The only thing we can change are our perceptions. Everything that happens to us is not to suffer. We undergo only experiences from which we grow. Such episodes can be painful and often are. What matters, however, is how we react to this. Some people say that all clouds have silver linings. They also say that this too will pass. And the Universe tells you that everything happens for a reason. Everything happens for your greatest good and wellbeing, despite the fact that this may become clear to us later.


Affirmation 3


With clear intention, an open mind and an open heart, I am freeing myself from all possible limitations of abundance in my life, now!

In this affirmation, by abundance, you can mean absolutely everything. What is important in this case is not so much what it means, but the very intention to remove the restriction. It is good to say this affirmation if you put a little more feeling and passion into it while saying it. From the depths of your soul. Declare with firm force and confidence that you want to get rid of absolutely any kind of restriction.


Chakra Meditation 10

First Chakra Phase 3 – I free myself from fear

“As a spiritual being, but in a physical body, fully grounded and balanced, I declare with all my strength and presence that I am: Freeing myself from all fears that may block and hinder me. I free myself of all mental limitations and beliefs that sabotage me! I declare that I am freeing myself from any past, present and future obstacles that would make it difficult for me along the way. And this path, which I have chosen, is for my greatest good and wellbeing! I am unleashing my full spiritual potential and manifesting it through my physical presence here on Earth!”

This affirmation is strong enough and you do not need to apply it for 21 days. It is also used for cases when you do not feel confident in which direction to take. If you have drawn it today, just say it once.


Affirmation 4


Every feeling of guilt is transformed into a feeling of peace and love!

Guilt is a feeling and emotion with a very low energy charge. We usually feel it for something that happened in the past and is already over. We suffer for something we cannot change. Even anger has a higher vibration as an emotion than guilt. When you are struck and tormented by guilt, you weaken your aura and immune system. The Universe gently guides you in the process of transformation.


Energy Practice 1


Recently you have been surrounded by so-called “energy vampires”. These are people who are unconsciously charged by our energy. As a result, we feel exhausted, tired, irritated and often depressed for no apparent reason. We may even become slightly depressed. Seen through the “eyes” of God and the Universe, these people are only seeking energy and love. Due to the lack of such in themselves. This does not mean that they should be “powered” by you, because you are a source of more energy. That’s why you received this card. Express a clear intention and visualize a bright circle of light around you, saying “I am absolutely protected.” You can also turn to Archangel Michael to ask for this. Just say “Archangel Michael, please provide me with the necessary protection all day today!”


Affirmation 9


Being calm is my natural state! My mind is at rest!

One of the main factors in terms of health is stress. Yes, it’s not easy to just say, “I stop being stressed.” That is why the Universe directs your thought to remind yourself often during the day that you are calm. And keeping the mind at rest is an art that can only be achieved through years of meditation. One affirmation will not get you that. However, a statement made with clear intent helps the mind adjust to this and follow you. If you do not have time to meditate in the busy everyday life, try these mental settings.


Message 11


Don’t ask yourself if you are good enough. This is just an expression on a physical level. And you are so much more than what the eyes can see. You still need an ego to exist in this body. However, don’t let the ego direct your actions, but let your heart be the guide. Despite everything, ego means, Me, my own personality. Trying to fight it is like fighting yourself. You can, of course, cultivate it, as well as stop living on autopilot. Don’t think about how to do it, because the answer is not in your mind. Just let go in the adventure called life. We are not here to suffer, but only to go through experiences!


Energy Practice 4

Spiritual Waste Basket

Your job today is to take time to release. To do this, imagine that you have a trash can in your mind. This will be your “basket of spiritual waste.” Visualize how you put in it everything that no longer serves you. These are things from the past, stress, pain and everything else that you would like to get rid of emotionally. If you can’t visualize, you can just think about it or write it on a piece of paper. If you write it down, it is desirable to burn it afterwards, because it is also a symbolic release. And with the “basket” in your mind, when you consider that you have put everything, state the following: “Now I give to God and the Universe everything I need to get rid of. I ask them to transform everything into light! I take back the already transformed energy!”


Message 5

Love yourself

The Pure Spirit and the manifestation of love is our highest goal. After all, what is love shown to other souls when it is not shown to yourself. Learn to love your being and the church that is your body, be an expression of your love for you. There are countless spiritual persons who serve humanity, but first direct your love toward yourself. Include all the shadows and all the children. Give yourself the love you deserve so that you can serve fully. He who cannot recognize God in his own face cannot see God in the face of others. Love yourself, accept yourself, now, only as you are now, you are the most real and you deserve love!


Affirmation 11


My body, mind and soul are in a divine balance! Everything in my life becomes balanced, Now!

The most difficult thing is to maintain the balance or the so-called “golden mean”. Once you have drawn this card, it means that you need it a lot right now! Say the affirmation with clear intent. Despite the fact that only the body is visible to the eye. The power of thought and intention create the necessary prerequisites for achieving a balance between the three.


Chakra Meditation 8

First Chakra Phase 1 – Infinity. Awakening

The number 8 is a symbol of the infinity and eternity of the soul. As well as a symbol of the human duality of the masculine and feminine. The first chakra is closely connected as an energy centre with survival on the physical level. It is the so-called root chakra. What is the common thing between the number 8 which is on the card, and the energy centre of our physical existence? The Universe addresses you with this message:

“Infinity and eternity are your armour, not these mortal frequencies. Those who see the only thing with your eyes, around you are only walking bodies, but without souls. So engulfed in oblivion, hiding from its beauty. Robots you are, without a doubt, convinced of your rightness. Wake up today and see, and head in a chosen direction. And the way is just this, to awaken your soul.”


Chakra Meditation 6

Second Chakra Phase 1 – Balancing Emotions

The emotions we experience affect absolutely all energy centres. However, their epicentre is connected to the second chakra. An imbalance in this chakra leads to abrupt changes in mood. Excessive sensitivity to everything and frequent outbursts of aggression. Obsessive need for love, you take everything personally and you are easily offended. An imbalance in this centre also leads to a lack of sexual desire or a huge “sexual appetite.” The energy in this chakra can be like a “dried raisin” or “a pulsating volcano ready to erupt”. The Universe wants you to visualize it as a “delicate orange-pink flower.” If you do not know how to visualize, say with intention “My second chakra is now like a delicate orange-pink flower.”


Message 3

Need for reassurance

In the eyes of God / The Universe there are no sinners, everything is love. Unleash your feelings and indulge in dreaming. I want to see my children happy, content and smiling. Trust the flow of abundance and know that it is part of your existence. Do not allow negative thoughts to rule your daily life. How do we know that God is with you and how can we believe that God is a part of you if your actions do not show it ?! The joy of trusting in the original Creation, the Creator of all times, is what I see in you. Only creations and experiences created by you is what I see in your life path. I do not see your mistakes, nor your hatred, nor your anger. This is not your true face, because such an image does not exist in the eyes of God / Universe. Love, Light and Peace, only this can be an image of my creation. And you are fit to be a Creator! As such, you are a constant crystal source of grace and heavenly bliss. Freedom from guilt, now!


Energy Practice 5

I am

Describe yourself what kind of person you are. Without classifying your qualities as bad or good! However, write down everything you think about yourself. First, describe the physical qualities: For example: I am a woman, a man, a mother, a housewife, a grandmother, a grandfather, an engineer, a worker, a lawyer, etc. Continue by adding: beautiful, ugly, fat, sick, poor and in general as you see yourself! Then add the spiritual and emotional. For example: nervous, angry, happy, emotional, sensitive, etc. You can also add what others think you are.

Describe everything you think applies to you, whether or not it is described in the examples! Once you decide you are done, read carefully what is written. Realize the fact that these are just “labels”! You can burn what is written as a symbolic release. If you leave it to remind you, finally write: “I am not what the labels “symbolize! I am a Divine creature with unlimited potential! As a person I am like everyone on this planet! An Individually unique creature, expressing itself in its own independent way! I am!”


Chakra Meditation 5

Third Chakra – Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is directly related to how much we value ourselves. In most cases, we are judged by external factors. According to what we look like, what we own and what we have achieved. This is exactly how we value those around us. We often even compare ourselves to others, and this is one of the most undesirable mistakes! At the moment, do not think about any of the external factors and do not evaluate yourself in any way. Just focus on the following affirmation: “I am what I am. I am individually unique! I am valuable! At the moment I am freeing myself from all thoughts that go through my mind, claiming something different! My third chakra is in absolute balance so that I can manifest myself to the fullest. However, it takes its place in the Universe as an equal to all other beings. I am loving myself yesterday, today, tomorrow and until the end of my existence, which is infinite! I am!”


Message 1

The spiritual is real

There is no place to find me, no form to see me. I am everything – the air, the water, the Earth and the Universe. I am, in fact, You, with whom you are currently talking, but not as a person or an individual, but as an ambassador of the universal Creation. I am not separated from you, but expanded through you. You created me, and I completed you. There are a sole source and a single destination. Love, Light and Darkness are boundless and interconnected. You can only realize the depth of things when you lose them and find them again. This is the most direct expression of your role on Earth. What Is is as real as what you see with your eyes.


Message 4

Blessed peace. A need to relieve stress

Without obstacles and in absolute ecstasy, dance the dance of your existence. There is no power to stop your being’s longing! To merge with your soul and to overflow and spread the bliss of concluding this union. Exquisite colors, enchanting rhythms, waves of energy and infinite grace – this is to mix with your soul and to exist in a constant state of rest. The Universe is making a strong call, and many people are beginning to awaken and create a new Earth around them. This is what is happening right now. You chose to be born at this time and create, together with your brothers, to write the new history of the Blue Planet. So, if you are sad, do not cry and do not despair, because only joy is worthy to be your companion until the end of your days. I am with you, and you are a child of God and the Spirit is your companion.


Energy Practice 10


It is no coincidence that you have drawn exactly this card! This is a sign that you need it right now! Whether you are currently “flying in the clouds” with enthusiasm or you have fallen into an “energy black hole”! Grounding brings balance, and you need that right now!

Visualize how roots grow from your feet that descend to the core of planet Earth. Mentally connect the roots with the core. With clear thought and intention, state the following: “I connect myself to the core of the Earth. I anchor my energy in the core itself! I welcome the feeling of the connection that is taking place right now! This connection gives me stability, grounding and balance! I am in balance with everything that exists on the planet Earth! I am in the balance!”


Chakra Meditation 9

First Chakra Phase 2 – Spiritual beings, but most effective on a physical level

For the Universe and God, it is important to understand that we are essentially a soul in a body, not the other way around. However, we are currently in a physical body and as such we need to be as effective as possible on a physical level. To do this, the first energy center or our root chakra must be grounded. “We express with clear thought and intention the grounding of our energy as human beings, mentally lowering a thread of anchoring energy from the first chakra to the core of the Earth. I am completely grounded and balanced, now! ”


Affirmation 8


I deserve to be loved! I attract a partner who accepts me and loves me as I am!

There are many people who want to meet their half or soulmate. This affirmation is not just for singles without a partner. It also applies to those who are in unsatisfactory relationships. Attracting a loving partner or improving an existing relationship is directly related to the statement that you deserve to be loved. Also, remember that in all likelihood, the person next to you feels the same way. Let’s say you decide to do this in 21 days. This does not mean that your partner will change as if with a magic wand. Nor that a new one will appear on the 21st day. Although it’s not surprising if this is exactly what happens. The affirmation is rather aimed at raising the vibrations and opening and accepting. In fact, the Universe gently reminds you, “You deserve to be loved!” You need to believe it! To attract love, you need to be loving first to yourself!


Message 2


What can Love and Light create, besides more Love and Light? If this is what you see in me, you must see it in yourself and in your soul. What does it mean to merge with God / The Universe? To be different from the popular understanding that we are separated. There will be people who will hate you for it. But the most blissful thing is to be hated because you have chosen God as your partner. I am not only addressing you, I am addressing everyone, but few are able to hear my voice, and not because those who hear are chosen, but because others are still fast asleep. To the awakened I say, “Do not doubt, do not be anxious, and do not grieve for others. Take care of God / The Source within yourself, and others will wake up whenever they wish.”


Affirmation 5

My truth

The opinion of others is not the truth for me. Their opinion becomes my truth only if I allow it! I choose to appreciate and love myself, Now!

One particularly difficult task is not to be influenced by the opinions of others. As well as not to take it personally. No matter how much indifference you have in this regard. There will always be someone you will allow to hurt you. It is very important to realize that the problem is not what the other person thinks. We do not have the right and the power to change others. The Universe teaches you with love that learning not to take it personally is your mission right now. Appreciate yourself, love yourself and learn to show divine indifference!


Energy Practice 2


Today is a divine day and it is dedicated to the feeling of gratitude. Write down at least ten things you are grateful for so far this day. Let it be in relation to something small. In order to learn to appreciate small things in life, we must be able to notice them. Write down ten more things you have felt grateful for in your life so far. This is a larger-scale realization. For the last part of the exercise, write ten things for which you feel grateful for the future. Do not put “will” in front of what you write. Write in the present!!


Message 6

You need more faith

Faith emerges from a spring and you must take from it with full hands. Faith is needed to live and receive. He who is faithful to himself is also faithful to God. When you follow the crowd, then you are not true to yourself. Although you believe and stand up for your truth, it can sometimes be very lonely. I want you to know that you are never really alone. Talk to God, talk to your Higher Self, draw your consciousness to the higher dimensions and do not expect understanding from others. Loneliness is just another untrue feeling, as proof of your imperfection. But I see only light in you and you are a joy to my eyes, so choose for yourself the truth that you are a perfect miracle of God. Grace to spring from your eyes and love to flow from your hands. Only through God’s light and love will you rediscover yourself. It is not God / The Source that is unreachable, but it is you who are fleeing from it, but how can you escape from your true nature. Think of this message of mine, and let doubt no longer be a shadow in your mind. Play the ego game, but only to do good.


Message 8

I am a Creator

The words are directly from the Creator: Turn to me more often so that the energy can pass through you more easily. Don’t call me by name, because I have countless monikers. Your stay in The Source becomes your second nature! I am not separated from you, and you are becoming a conscious conductor at the moment. Imagine the energy of the Universe purifying your seven chakras, as well as those of your ears. Now I ask you, why do you always look up when you turn to me? Even your thought goes unconsciously in that direction. Yes, I’m above, but I’m also below. And I want you to realize my presence inside you. I may be a creator, but I couldn’t create if you didn’t exist. That is why you are also a creator and together we create best! Create everything that is for your and others’ highest good and benefit!


Message 10

You are not alone

Oh, my beloved child! No one is ever really alone. Do not grieve and do not despair, because somewhere there is your soulmate. Everything just happens for a reason. It is not to suffer or to feel lonely. Everything needs time to manifest in our lives. A soulmate can be anything, a close friend, partner, child, parent, or it can be your guardian angel. Who sends you his love at the moment and gently caresses your head, just to assure you that you are never alone. You are infinitely beloved and you are in my tender embrace to take the pain and free you from loneliness! Remember this when you feel alone again and know that I will always be with you! It is my duty to serve and accompany you and you can always turn to me for help! And the only joy for me is to be able to serve you and calm you with love!


Energy Practice 7

I cleanse consciously

Today’s card is not just about today. The Universe gives you an idea of how to release yourself emotionally during your daily routine. Don’t think about whether this is possible! The idea is to do something you don’t like and turn it into fun. The practice can be used for everything that comes to your mind. Any type of work that includes cleaning, repairing an appliance, replacing parts, tidying up, ironing, etc. As you tidy up your home, your office, your workshop, your tools, change your furniture and everything in general. Even while painting, building, etc. Think of the following: As I do what I am doing, I am “cleansing myself” of all my emotional pain and accumulations! I am currently replacing pain with love! Cleaning, making, tidying, fixing, changing, I work not only physically but also on my psyche. I free myself of everything unnecessary emotionally! I am free! Everything in my life is becoming arranged and balanced!


Message 9


Every particle existing in the Universe contains abundance in itself. And you are not just a particle, but a great being who has forgotten its true nature. Every restriction and absence dissolves and is released from your body. Put your worries aside! Your natural state is to overflow with an abundance of health, happiness and love. And also financial abundance and eternal grace! Let the words break down every deficiency in your energy body so that you can realize it. What you call abundance already belongs to you!


Energy Practice 11


“I open myself and my energy to accept all that is for my greatest good and wellbeing!”
Every day we can dream and visualize about different things that we want to attract in our lives. The Universe tells you that in order to receive them, you must “open up” in order to receive them. Opening is done by directing and affirming thoughts with your desire to tune in to the “Acceptance” vibrations. The Universe and God know what you dream of! You need to take the last step.


Chakra Meditation 3

Fifth Chakra – I Relieve Stress

Stress by itself can manifest in any chakra. For some reason, the energy epicentre of its creation is located in the fifth chakra. This card fell to you because you need to get rid of stress. Remind yourself often “I don’t change anything when I’m stressed, on the contrary – I only do more harm to myself and my health!” Focus your thought on your fifth energy centre. It is located on your throat and is directly connected to your thyroid gland. Accompanied by deep inhales and exhales, state the following: “Now, I am completely consciously relieving myself of stress!” Each exhalation helps to achieve its release. It is good to accompany everything with a loud and strong exhalation! No more than a few strong exhalations are needed.


Affirmation 10


I have a healthy body that I value and love! My body is my temple! I thank the cells in it for keeping me in excellent health!

The Universe draws your attention to the fact that you should not take your body for granted. No one talks to it, but it’s always expected to be available. Only when it gets sick do we remember to pay attention to it. Then we think of priorities in life and that being healthy is especially important. Pay attention to the affirmation regardless of your current health condition!


Affirmation 6

Love yourself

Everyone is precious in the eyes of God and the Universe! I try to look at myself through their “eyes”. And this can only be through the eyes of unconditional love!

The concept of “loving yourself” is one of the most difficult to learn. The Universe sends you the message that through the eyes of what is above, you are precious gems. Which are looked upon with infinite and unconditional love. Feel the love that is being sent to you right now! May it inspire you to love yourself as God loves you!


Energy Practice 9

All Clouds Have Silver Linings

We often hear this. Today, the Universe wants you to not only think about it. Think about whether there is something that has happened to you in your life that clearly corresponds to the statement. The Universe assures you that everything in life that happens to us is for our greatest good and wellbeing. There is always a bigger “plan” as well as a bigger “picture” that is sometimes unknown to us. Everything happens for a reason! Consciously seek the good today from what you are currently experiencing or have experienced. A Universe of love instructs you to assimilate that “All clouds have silver linings” if you have not already done so!


Energy Practice 3


Take time to think about who you would like to forgive. Forgiveness does not mean that you accept the action of the other! When you are ready to forgive, let it be directed at yourself. The first part of the exercise is about forgiving others. Example: “I forgive (name) and I do not keep insults. I’m freeing myself! I am free and you are free!”

The second part is about yourself. Look for the things you felt guilty about. You will have to be more creative in this part. You may be surprised that you do not know how to forgive yourself. Precisely because to say “I’m getting rid of the insult” about yourself sounds a little ridiculous. Here we release and forgive the action or lack thereof. Example: “I forgive myself for not loving myself in all my 57 years” or you can start “I need to forgive myself and free myself of…. I forgive myself!”


Energy Practice 8

Don’t waste your energy!

Yes, no one does it on purpose. We even think that’s normal. What else should people talk about? Yes, what should people talk about if not to tell each other how their day went and what they did. Be very careful with telling about this routine! The things you do every day have already become a routine. Even if you complain about your spouse, it’s likely already something like that. Complaining has also become a habit. For example: “You go to work, your whole day has been tense and exhausting, and you quarreled with a colleague again.” Or “You got up, drank coffee, tidied up, cleaned, cooked, etc.”

The established routine is now something that is repeated daily. You expend energy while you have to do it. You expend twice as much energy if you tell it to one person and even more if you tell it to several people. Learn to save energy and not retell everyday things.


Chakra Meditation 2

Sixth Chakra – My Intuition

Everyone has experienced to a greater or lesser extent the presence of this so-called “sixth sense”. It is directly related to intuition as with the sixth energy centre or the chakra of the third eye. In more sensitive people, this is more intense. They have “extrasensory perception”. These people can also be called mediums. Does receiving this card mean that you are a medium? Yes and no! In fact, everyone can be like that. Everyone has this energy centre, whether they realize it or not! Today, the Universe invites you to the following energy opening: “It is safe for me to fully open the chakra of the third eye. I trust my feelings, which I get through my intuition!”

State the affirmation with clear thought and intention, accompanied by deep inhalation and exhalation. With each exhalation, say “I release the fear!”


Affirmation 7

Don’t judge

Judge not, lest you be judged! Today I dedicate my day to not judging others, including myself!

The Universe lovingly reminds you of a way of life that is devoid of condemnation. As well as the need to criticize others. Even condemnation and criticism of yourself! Everyone should think for themselves. As much as this applies to you! There is no condemnation in this reminder from the Universe, only a call to be more loving. Both to others and to yourself!


Energy Practice 6

I am the creator

“I am the creator of my reality. I create through my thoughts and emotions! My thoughts have energy and today I choose to realize the fact of this statement! As a creator, I choose to create from now on everything that is for me and others’ greatest good and wellbeing! ………… “

Your Energy Practice today is in the form of an affirmation. God and the Universe want to guide you to create with love. First of all, you realize that you are the creator of your own reality. As you also create, complement the affirmation with your own thoughts!


Message 7

Acceptance and balance

Let darkness be not your weakness, but your strength. Since all your perceptions of darkness are negative, I tell you now that your power is hidden there. On the positive side, darkness is boundless eternity, infinite passion and deep peace. I assure you that only in the balance between darkness and light lies the finished human being. There is no denying the darkness within you. Accept it and learn to create from the positive in it. Look at the dark inside you without fear and give him a hand to join. To deny a part of yourself is like a refusal to be one with the Whole. Praise and develop your boundless potential. Let everyone learn that God has marked you with the love and Light of the One All Timelessness of the Universal Consciousness.


Chakra Meditation 1

Seventh Chakra – Connection to the Universe

This chakra is your connection to God and the Universe. That is why it actually comes as card number one. For today, your job is to open your seventh energy centre mentally and energy-wise. As with the download of the card, you are provided with just that. The Energy and The Source work in mysterious ways. You are currently getting what you need. And it helps in balancing your seventh chakra. You are only required to take the last step. To state this with clear intent: “I open up and receive the energy to balance my seventh chakra.” As you do so, let this be accompanied by deeper inhaling and exhaling. You don’t need more than a minute or two!


Chakra Meditation 11

I choose

Choose the color that attracts you. The example given is for the first chakra: Turn the palm of your right hand as if you are giving to accept. Visualize a ball of red light in the palm of your hand. Assume that this is the balanced vibrating energy of your first chakra. Hold the idea mentally for a while, then place your left hand on the imaginary energy of red light. Send the thoughts “Bless, Heal and Balance the Energy of the First Chakra”. Place the ball of light in the area of the first chakra, which is at the base of the spine. Take as much time as you need. The exercise can be done in seconds or minutes, depending on you. Repeat with the other colors of your choice. Changing the color according to your chosen chakra.


Chakra Meditation 4

Fourth Chakra – Balance between giving and receiving

The balance between giving and being able to receive is especially difficult. In this case, the Universe gives you a choice between affirmations:

  1. “Today I open myself and my energy to give. I send love to everything and everyone with all my heart”
  2. “Today I open myself and my energy to accept and receive love from everything and from everyone. I am loved and I accept it because I deserve it.”
  3. “Today I am asking for a balance of energies in terms of giving and receiving. I open myself to giving, as well as to receiving and receiving. Today, these two energies balance in me for my greatest good and wellbeing!”

Note: Although it mentions giving and receiving love, it actually applies to other things in life as well.

Draw a card

Wisdom of the universe + 1

PLEASE NOTE! You will be able to draw one card every day. So do not rush to click "back". Read the instructions carefully beforehand. The Universe has a message for you, read it without rushing. If you desire a second card, there will be a payment in the form of a 1 euro donation for the website. Thank you for visiting us!

PLEASE NOTE! Copying, distributing and publishing the materials from this website in any form elsewhere is strictly forbidden!

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Wisdom of the Universe + 1

We named our set of cards “Wisdom of the Universe + 1”. Each card drawn is designed to bring you not only information and words, but also energy. I already see the question on your face, “How is this possible?” Every word is charged with the vibrations of our great desire to spread love and light on planet Earth. Every word is a vibrating particle of love from the depths of our soul, only meant to reach your heart. This is energy and vibration that does not know the limitations of space. Our strong intention will send it directly to you the moment you read it. Whether you feel it or not, each card is designed to bring you the vibration you need right now. For your greatest good and benefit.

Despite the fact that the cards are called “Wisdom of the Universe”, there is a simplicity in them. In fact, remember the following: “Everything that is simple comes from the Spirit, and the complex is a product of the Ego.” The whole concept behind the creation of the set is built on this principle. The idea is to make it seem so simple to try, because it will not cost you time and effort. Why is there actually a “+ 1” in the title? This is your participation in the universal equation. The results are obtained not only when you read something, but also when you apply it.

The set is divided into four topics:
11 Messages
11 Affirmations
11 Energy Practices
11 Chakras


If you draw a Message card, what does that mean? – At the moment you have a great need for some kind of assurance regarding the situation in your life. There is nothing accidental that happens in the Universe. That’s why you’ve drawn this card. Not by chance! As we said, cards and words are charged with vibration and intention. The ones you receive through the message in question are the energies you need most right now. How to best receive these vibrations? Read the message first, sometimes it is reflected directly in the heart and you will get excited when you merely read it. This is one of the confirmations of the presence of vibrations. For some, this will not happen immediately. Therefore, close your eyes, take a deep breath two or three times and say or think only “I accept the vibrations with my heart.” Then say and read the message again, but slowly. Most of you will feel instant calm and even a sense of stress relief. This is another confirmation of the existing energy in the words. Of course, there will be skeptics who will not feel anything. Don’t worry, you are more likely to feel it later. Even if that doesn’t happen, I assure you that you’ve received it!

Do not try to comprehend the words, because they are not intended for the mind to analyze them, but only for the heart. When writing the word God, it is not meant in terms of religion. Replace the word at the second reading with one that makes you feel comfortable, for example: The Source, The Universe, The Higher Self, or something else of your choice. How you choose to address this energy is irrelevant!


If you have drawn a card from the affirmations section, what does it mean? – You may have worries in different areas of life. The card you draw is what we need right now. In a sense, drawing a card from this section means that the Universe is sending you direct affirmation: “Your most powerful tool is your mind and your thoughts. Learn to use it to work for you, not sabotage you. I know that you have the strength to overcome all obstacles and difficulties. It is inside you and you are even stronger than what you believe about yourself.”

Our thoughts, words and emotions have energy. In essence, absolutely everything in the Universe carries some kind of energy charge. Since this is something completely invisible to the eye, it is difficult to realize how true it really is. No matter how many books you’ve probably read on the subject, you may have the feeling that you’re still missing something to apply it. If you are aware of the statement that everything is energy, then you have mastered the theory. If the idea that your thoughts are also energy sounds crazy to you, then you will have to “work harder.” No matter what your beliefs are, the affirmations are universal and work for everyone.

You have drawn an “Affirmation” card. This is a sign that the Universe is urging you to put the theory into practice. Applying and mastering any type of practice takes a little longer than being fluent in the theory. Agree that everything in life is like that. The process of personal growth cannot be an exception. The Universe wants you to “work.” Therefore, one reading of the affirmation itself will not be enough! If you really want to have results, do the following:

After reading your card, make a decision. How many days will you “work” with it? In each case, we work with thought and intention. You can start with this sentence: “I intend to master the energy of the affirmation… (say the affirmation from the card)” You can say it in your mind, aloud or write it down. Do it as you see fit and as appropriate.

  1. What you read strongly resonates with you: I suggest you use it in the next 21 days. We write the affirmation on a piece of paper together with the days during which we will apply it…. For example: you draw an affirmation card on the 15th day of the month. Under the affirmation you write 15,16,17…, etc. until the completion of a 21-day cycle. Every day when you focus your thoughts on the affirmation, you cross out the day you applied it. You do so until the end of the days you marked.
  2. What you read doesn’t particularly resonate with you: Do the above exercise, applying it for 7 days in the same way as described.
  3. What you read does not resonate with you at all: Despite that, take at least 24 hours to repeat it in your mind when you think of it. Even though you think it doesn’t apply to you. There are no coincidences in the Universe. If you have drawn this card, it is hardly accidental.

The time we take to do the exercise should take seconds. It doesn’t matter how often you do it during the day, as long as it is at least once. You just write it down somewhere or memorize it and say it in your mind at least once. If you accidentally miss a day, it is not fatal, just continue on the next. If you wrote it down, but in the end you didn’t apply it, there are two options.

  1. You decided it was your affirmation, but it was only a momentary decision. In all likelihood, this means that you have accepted it with an open mind, but your heart tells you later that this is not your priority at the moment. So, naturally, you stop practicing it.
  2. You are one of the people you want to develop, but you expect everything to disappear with “a single pill”. That can not happen.
  3. Option three is that whatever you decide later doesn’t matter at all. This is your uniquely individual way to develop personally. If you have come to such a decision, then it is necessary for your greatest good and wellbeing. Whatever you do to achieve something, you must always do it effortlessly. Above all, there must be lightness in every mental-energy practice. Even if you do the exercise, but it costs you effort, I advise you to stop.

You can find all kinds of affirmations everywhere. You can listen to them or repeat them to yourself whenever and as often as you want. What is the difference between these affirmations in our set of cards. There is an energy message in each card that each affirmation will reach the one who has the greatest need at the moment. These are cards that are not just “accidentally” created. Everything in the Universe is interconnected, whether you see it or not. The intention set in the creation of the cards sends strong vibrations to the Whole that is the energy of the universe. And we are all particles of this whole energy space. Even if you have doubts in the process of all this, it will still happen. So don’t try to analyze it with your mind, just trust that the Universe knows what you need. It is at this point that he sends you a card that is relevant to your greatest good and wellbeing. The application and the work depend only on you!

Energy Practice

The Energy Practice section does not contain any mysticism. The practices are written in order to be as easy to apply as possible. The essence of any energy practice is not to be complicated. We live in a fast-paced life. In which we rarely have time to pay attention to ourselves. As well as take care of ourselves. Even less to “hear” the calls of our soul. You know how important meditation is, or at least you’ve heard. Not many people have the physical time to meditate while racing from one place to another. These easy practices are your “active meditation” that you need. Let each practice be performed by you with a certain amount of fun. The Universe and God call you to pay attention to yourself, but also to have fun. Spiritual and personal development do not depend so much on the complexity of the practice, but on perseverance.

Energy Practice additional instructions:

You have drawn a card from “Energy Practice”. It is possible that the concept is completely incomprehensible to you. However, God and the Universe want to tell you that they are fully aware of your problems, worries, needs and desires! They have a great desire to provide them to you. This cannot happen if you do not make at least some effort in this direction. That’s why you have drawn this card. Do what is required by the card from the section you’ve drawn. Some of the cards may only be for one day, while others may need to be applied for a longer period. It’s up to you!

Energy Practice 1: Apply it for the day. It can be used all the time when you find it necessary.

Energy Practice 2: Complete the practice within the day. For more intensive work, do it at least once a week for as long as you feel the need.

Energy Practice 3: Start the practice when you feel ready. Its application can take several days, in which you can add to it. This is a process that you can repeat at any time. You can make a diary to compare your progress in this regard. Observe your development and the feeling you feel by reading another practice. For some people, we may need to do it again. Apply it until you feel completely liberated. Don’t judge yourself if you find that you haven’t achieved it. The Universe and God do not judge you for your feelings, so do not do so. Respect your own feelings, but lovingly continue with the release.

Energy Practice 4: Apply it for the day. It can be used all the time when you find it necessary.

Energy Practice 5: Do not rush to write everything in a few minutes. Complete the list at least throughout the day. It is even advisable to sleep and continue the next day before you decide you are done.

Energy Practice 6: The affirmation, along with what you added, can only be used for the day. As well as apply the practice described in the “Affirmations” section. Apply it for 21 days, a week or 24 hours.

Energy Practice 7: Apply it for the day. It can be used all the time when you find it necessary. Make this practice a habit if you like the idea!

Energy Practice 8: Make this practice a habit if you like the idea!

Energy practice 9: Today’s practice is a way of thinking and perceiving the difficulties in life. As well as focusing on the bigger picture, alas, often unknown. Make practice a habit if you like the idea!

Energy Practice 10: Apply it for the day. It can be used all the time when you find it necessary.

Energy Practice 11: Apply the practice described in the Affirmations section. Apply it for 21 days, a week or 24 hours. It can be used all the time when you find it necessary.

Chakra Meditation

You have drawn a card from the set that contains Chakra Meditation. You don’t know what that is, in fact you hear the word for the first time. This is entirely possible. For this purpose, we attach a picture with an image of the human body and where these so-called chakras are located. You don’t need that much information, nor do you need to go into something unfamiliar. The meditations themselves are not exactly like that, they are just exercises or affirmations with the insertion of thought with intention. Accompanied by simple breathing and exhalation. Those who are familiar with the matter may even find it “too elementary and simple.” This is actually the idea of all the cards. To apply what is written on the card, you do not need special knowledge of the chakras themselves. After all, what exactly is a chakra? I describe it as I feel it. Believe me, I have been dealing with the subject for 12 years and I still can’t remember their names. As well as what exactly each one refers to. I only use my intuition to read the energy in the chakras. And the chakras are just that – energy centers. They are located on the spine of the human body, but not physically. Each chakra has an emotional and physical aspect. The main ones are seven in number. That’s why they are usually as many present in the cards. The first seven cards are related to the development of some energy-mental quality. With each being connected to the chakra that is written on the card. You can use the affirmations according to the scheme already written in the “Affirmations” section. There is no need to analyze whether this works or not, much less how. When you turn on the light, you don’t think about the whole process of having electricity at home. You “flip the switch” with thought and intention, and leave the rest to the Universe. All that is required of you. As well as perseverance, but how often you do it is up to you!

All given chakra meditations from 1-9 can be done according to the same scheme as the Affirmations. For example:

  1. What you read resonates strongly with you: I suggest you use it for the next 21 days. We write the affirmation from the Chakra Meditation card on one sheet together with the days during which we will apply it…. For example: you draw the affirmation card on the 15th. Under the affirmation, you write 15,16,17…, etc. until the completion of a 21-day cycle. Every day when you focus your thoughts on the affirmation, you cross out the day you did it, until the end of the days you marked.
  2. What you read resonates with you, but not particularly: Do the above exercise, applying it for 7 days in the same way as described.
  3. What you read does not resonate with you at all: Despite this, take at least 24 hours to repeat it in your mind when you think of it. Even though you think it doesn’t apply to you. There are no coincidences in the Universe. If you have drawn this card, this is hardly accidental.

Chakra Meditation 10: What is needed is contained in the card

Chakra Meditation 11: These are the colours needed to do the exercise for all the chakras. Using the example described on the card itself. It is not necessary to do them in order, but in order to have the greatest effect, do it for all chakras. Listen to your own intuition and above all have fun. If you feel something else is right for you, just do it. This is the message of the title of the card itself.

Note: The exercises in this section are more likely to be applied for no more than a week, but if you feel the need, do them for 21 days.

1.Root chakra. Color: Red.
2.Sacral chakra. Color: Orange.
3.Solar plexus chakra. Color: Yellow.
4.Heart chakra. Color: Green/Pink
5.Throat chakra. Color: Blue.
6.Third-eye chakra. Color: Indigo/Purple.
7.Crown chakra. Color: Purple/Violet.

PS: Intentionally, there is no mention of additional information about the physical and emotional aspects of the individual chakras. The Internet offers many sites abounding in more detail. For anyone who wants to read more information on the subject.

Vesela Ioannou

Vesela Ioannou

I've always had a great desire to share absolutely everything I've become aware of and learnt because most of these things contributed to my happiness and inner peace. I mark the importance of loving yourself as my biggest achievement.

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